Images about the day of receiving the professional shirts from school of
Public Health, Walailak University, taken 5 months ago, on Sunday, December 22,
2019. Me and my friends in the study group with 10 people named GG. The reason
why I chose this picture because I in the picture represents my friendship with
my friends that we have been friends for two years in university studies.
Before we received the shirt that day my friends and I have to try to be
patient, to be diligent, to be diligent, to be tired, to cry or to be happy
together. It means that my friends and I have succeeded halfway through
university, conveys that I and my friends will succeed and finish with will
help each other supporting everything meaning and conveys that we will hold
hands together until success is achieved, made me feel that a friend in need is
a friend indeed.
On that day, first, we spent time together, sleeping together,
waking up together, had breakfast together help each other to dress up and
make-up. Next, take a picture together meet friends who came to congratulate me
and my friends and finally, most importantly, me and my friend said we promise
to graduate together and be friends like this forever. It is the day that we
will bear in mind.